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"Thank you doesn’t begin to express the gratitude I have for Marty taking the time to help me get through one of the most difficult times of my life. He has helped me realize what is important to me, to focus on those things, and to only worry about what is in my control. Before I knew it, I was living my life joyfully, and giving thanks for each day I have."

- Cam

If you were to be truly honest with yourself, how happy would you say you are with life?


Happiness and success mean different things to different people, but there is one universal core that runs through us all: in order to find happiness, we need to get our emotional house in order—which means no longer getting bogged down by the “things” that stand in our way.




Money. Houses. High-status jobs. Cars. Vacations.


You seem to have it all… And yet something feels amiss among these tangibles, doesn’t it?


One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in life is that happiness cannot be achieved by how much we amass—in our personal lives, in our careers, or in our relationships. It is only when we are able to get our emotional house in order that we can truly find happiness.

You Can't Change What You Refuse to Confront

In The End, We Only Regret the Chances We Didn't Take


Sometimes, 24 hours doesn’t seem like enough time to get everything accomplished in a single day. Life's a balancing act of personal obligations, professional duties, family priorities, and, of course, sleep. So when do you find time to take care of yourself?

Life coaching isn’t just about cheering you on, pushing you towards making a change. Life coaching is about showing you how to make time. Time for yourself. Time to reflect on who you want to be. Time to decide what happiness really means to you. Time to kick out all the toxic things cluttering up your headspace and life. Without that time, you’ll continue to repeat those unhealthy and unsuccessful cycles holding you back.

It doesn’t matter where your pain comes from. It may be from an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps you’ve gone down the wrong career path. Or maybe the loud, bustling city around you doesn’t give you the space or time to breathe and think. Throughout our eight-week sessions, we will:

Get to the root of your issues.

Learn to slow down time through meditation to gain clarity and perspective on life.

Compile the tools and devise a plan of attack that will help you successfully navigate your way through life.

The life coaching process may be different for each person, but the desired outcome is always the same: It is only when your emotional house is in order that everything else will fall into place.

My life coaching process is simple and effective.

It starts with a FREE one-hour consultation to ensure that we are a good fit for one another. Once you agree to start the work, we’ll strategically tackle your life’s obstacles, session by session.

Do you view life as something that happens to you?

Do you know where your fears and insecurities stem from?

What does the best year of your life look like?

What are your short-term goals? Long-term goals?

Does who you are now align with the person you want to be?


My name is Marty Azoulay, and I want to share my story with you.

Before 2010, I thought I was living life to the fullest. I had a successful career in real estate, a seven-figure income, a nice house, and lots of cars. But no matter how much “stuff” I filled my life with, I was miserable.


I decided to put it all on hold—my phone, computer, credit cards, job, and even my life—and departed for India with only $100 in my pocket. Over the course of my 40-day trek, it was a question someone asked of me that ended up changing my life:

“How are you giving back?”

It was then I realized what was missing from my life—and ultimately holding me back. I spent so many years taking and taking, always adding new “things” to my personal life’s inventory. But I never gave anything back.

Since 2010, I have trained with Tony Robbins, worked as a Lifespring trainer, and have participated in the Big Brother program. I am now a certified life coach and provide one-on-one sessions with my clients on Tuesdays, both in person and via Skype.

I am in love with what I do and am so grateful for every day that I get to help others uncover the joy and success for their own lives.


“By the end of my sessions with Marty, I looked back and realized I had evolved and matured incredibly. I was able to let go of the toxic people and environments I had attracted through the years. I literally took a step back and saw my life as a third person, meditated, and let my soul tell me what I needed to do to feel good and free. None of this would have been possible without the love and guidance that Marty gave me.”

- Sandy


“If you ask Marty, he would probably say I did all the work, which is true. Without making the decision to change, nothing Marty said or did would ever have helped. However, without the teachings, lessons, positive feedback, and soothing emotion that Marty provides, I would not have had the tools to do what I needed to do.”

- Jason

If you’re ready to take positive strides in your life, let’s talk.


To sign up for a FREE one-hour consultation session, fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you shortly. Also, feel free to email or call if you have questions about my life coaching services before getting started

5402 Oak Park Ave, Encino, CA 91316  |  Tel: 818-822-2422


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